Lets know about Hyper-V features…

What is Hyper-V ?       With Hyper-V, it’s easier than ever to take advantage of the cost savings of virtualization through Windows Server 2008 R2. Optimize your server hardware investments by consolidating multiple server roles as separate virtual machines running on a single physical machine, efficiently run multiple different operating systems in parallel, on aContinue reading “Lets know about Hyper-V features…”

CyberGhost VPN Premium Account Serial Number, 1 year License Code

Security on Internet is of major concern today. Virtual Private networks aka VPN allows you to surf and download anonymously without revealing your IP address, location and other privacy stuffs. For that VPN services are used which allows to access web via some other server. CyberGhost VPN is one such Popular service. When VPN connectionContinue reading “CyberGhost VPN Premium Account Serial Number, 1 year License Code”