Elevate All Administrator Accounts UAC Privilege Level

   Information This will show you how to change all administrator account’s UAC Privilege Level to keep UAC on and not prompt an admnistrator, have UAC ask administrator for password, or the default of asking an Administrator to Continue for permission. UAC will still be on and work as usual for the Standard and GuestsContinue reading “Elevate All Administrator Accounts UAC Privilege Level”

How to Create a Elevated Program Shortcut without a UAC Prompt

   Information This will show you how to create a elevated “Run as administrator” shortcut of any installed program in Windows using Task Scheduler so that it will not give you a UAC prompt for permission when you start it while still having UAC turned on. In the tutorial, you will first create a newContinue reading “How to Create a Elevated Program Shortcut without a UAC Prompt”