How to change MAC Address of existing Virtual Machines

  I was having problem with my ethernet MAC in one of my VMs. I just did remember that I did not write post about this, so I am writing this now. You will be simply failed if you have tried below things.., 1. Removing that ethernet from VM and adding new one 2. GenerateContinue reading “How to change MAC Address of existing Virtual Machines”

How to submit your sitemap to Blogger

  Its really simple but I have created this post for the Blogger beginners. Step 1. Go to   and sign in to gmail account which you have mapped in to Blogger. Step 2. Once you logged in you need to select your blog where you want to submit sitemap incase you are having moreContinue reading “How to submit your sitemap to Blogger”

Recover deleted files with Portable tools

  Now a days everyone looking for light weight tools for often use and portable too. there could be two reasons, one is people don’t want to hurt their computer / laptop while trying to get their work done with free wares when they are really looking for the best to get their result. secondContinue reading “Recover deleted files with Portable tools”

How the JTA Transaction Manager helps to GemFire

  JTA provides direct coordination between the GemFire cache and another transactional resource, such as a database. Using JTA, your application controls all transactions in the same standard way, whether the transactions act on the GemFire cache, a JDBC resource, or both together. By the time a JTA global transaction is done, the GemFire transactionContinue reading “How the JTA Transaction Manager helps to GemFire”

Mount NTFS USB / Partitions in Cent OS 6.3

  All that you need to do install ntfs drivers by enabling Fedora EPEL Repository.   Run the commands in terminal Step 1:  Enabling the repository “rpm -Uvh” Step 2.  Installing the ntfs driver “yum -y install ntfs-3g”   LOL ! that’s all now it should mount your ntfs partitions / USB Sticks &Continue reading “Mount NTFS USB / Partitions in Cent OS 6.3”

KMS Activator for Windows 8.1 and 2012 R2

  Are you running with Windows 8.1 or 2012 R2 and looking for KMS Activator ? Sorry this is not the right post for you. I am just explaining how I got my 2012 R2  activated by Key Management Service (KMS) Who ever using KMS keys need to add the new ones from  Microsoft  VolumeContinue reading “KMS Activator for Windows 8.1 and 2012 R2”

Is your laptop shutting down for no reason ?

  Last week was terrific to me because my laptop started to shutting down with out any reason my few files got corrupted. If I am turning on my laptop again it was showing nothing, lights not coming up so totally frustrated, yeah I kept many important project related files in it.  After an hourContinue reading “Is your laptop shutting down for no reason ?”

Is Windows 8.1 out with expected features ?

  Really appreciated that the steps Microsoft taking to impress both Tablet & Desktop users by their great release of windows 8 but many Desktop users not satisfied because of their expectations about windows8 due to the features like Charm bar , Metro apps with No easy Desktop environment ,lack of interface in Modern  UI.Continue reading “Is Windows 8.1 out with expected features ?”

How to download a torrent file by any download manager

  Free! Free! Free!   Bandwidth limit: up to 250GB per month There are many reasons to look for torrent download by any download manager so that you can download from the place where you are restricted for torrent downloads. yeah I am not going to talk more let me jump to matter…., The great Furk.netContinue reading “How to download a torrent file by any download manager”

How to enter into safe mode in windows 8

  I heard many of people’s question that Why is not easy in Win8 to press F8 during startup to enter into Safe Mode like in Windows7 ?  Yes it will work in very rare case but not all the time. You can also use “msconfig” method to reboot into Safe Mode. Otherwise Lets followContinue reading “How to enter into safe mode in windows 8”