Disable annoying Charm bar in windows 8 / 8.1

  I am working seriously the irritating charm bars that popping-up in Windows 8 whenever my mouse hits the corners or edge of screen. the charm bars are really good for some time but i don’t want this. You are in the same situation ? Just simply follow this.., 1.Open Registry Press Windws+R to launchContinue reading “Disable annoying Charm bar in windows 8 / 8.1”

Clear leftover files while uninstalling apps in windows 8/7

  Have you been into a situation where you removed few application but still getting problem with left over files which is related to appropriate application ? there is a good solution to overcome. actually i was using Revo Uninstaller as a good solution but now switched to IOBit Uninstaller as its designed very gentlyContinue reading “Clear leftover files while uninstalling apps in windows 8/7”