New Windows 10 build 10041 is out

  Microsoft reveled that Windows 10 will be out in this summer. I am not sure how many of yours enjoying in windows 10 preview but so I am excited using it. many feature is out on the latest build. my favorite is start menu transparent & Cortana improvements. i was needing this badly, MicrosoftContinue reading “New Windows 10 build 10041 is out”

How to fix 99% Disk usage on Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10

  Did you ever notice that your Windows 8 laptop / machines will start to eat your disk with 99% usage as soon as you login ? well, when I installed windows 8 for the first time on my laptop I started to dig about the features and excited to make use of it afterContinue reading “How to fix 99% Disk usage on Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10”