Lets convert your handwriting to Text in Android

  I still remember the day I got surprised when I saw a smartphone that allows to write on the screen and recognize very nicely few years ago. but there was few issues while recognize and few things was not possible too. Now a days its somehow rectified by the Cross Platform Text recognizing technology.Continue reading “Lets convert your handwriting to Text in Android”

All in One online DNS information tool

  What do you think having tool to find all DNS related information from one place online.yeah its provided by http://viewdns.info/ and http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools Are you a developer ? want to integrate with your application ? easy, they are providing API so that you can just use this to integrate with you application.   get viewdnsContinue reading “All in One online DNS information tool”

Hosting websites from any Windows Machine

Recently I came across the situation in my friends circle, there is a requirement to host  a demonstration site in a laptop / desktop machine which is running any version of Windows and the site should be available over the internet by typing the appropriate site name.In this post I assume that you have basicContinue reading “Hosting websites from any Windows Machine”

Unusual traffic from your Computer Network ?

  What does it mean? When your Device sending some automated traffic to Google we may get the below on your browser. What to do when you are getting this? The error page most likely displays a CAPTCHA (a squiggly word with a box below it). To continue using Google, type the squiggly word intoContinue reading “Unusual traffic from your Computer Network ?”

How to submit your sitemap to Blogger

  Its really simple but I have created this post for the Blogger beginners. Step 1. Go to http://www.google.com/webmasters/   and sign in to gmail account which you have mapped in to Blogger. Step 2. Once you logged in you need to select your blog where you want to submit sitemap incase you are having moreContinue reading “How to submit your sitemap to Blogger”

Recover deleted files with Portable tools

  Now a days everyone looking for light weight tools for often use and portable too. there could be two reasons, one is people don’t want to hurt their computer / laptop while trying to get their work done with free wares when they are really looking for the best to get their result. secondContinue reading “Recover deleted files with Portable tools”

Mount NTFS USB / Partitions in Cent OS 6.3

  All that you need to do install ntfs drivers by enabling Fedora EPEL Repository.   Run the commands in terminal Step 1:  Enabling the repository “rpm -Uvh http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm” Step 2.  Installing the ntfs driver “yum -y install ntfs-3g”   LOL ! that’s all now it should mount your ntfs partitions / USB Sticks &Continue reading “Mount NTFS USB / Partitions in Cent OS 6.3”

Is your laptop shutting down for no reason ?

  Last week was terrific to me because my laptop started to shutting down with out any reason my few files got corrupted. If I am turning on my laptop again it was showing nothing, lights not coming up so totally frustrated, yeah I kept many important project related files in it.  After an hourContinue reading “Is your laptop shutting down for no reason ?”

How to download a torrent file by any download manager

  Free! Free! Free!   Bandwidth limit: up to 250GB per month There are many reasons to look for torrent download by any download manager so that you can download from the place where you are restricted for torrent downloads. yeah I am not going to talk more let me jump to matter…., The great Furk.netContinue reading “How to download a torrent file by any download manager”